February 2


solo ads 2020 | do solo ads work – are solo ads worth it | solo ads 2021


February 2, 2022

hey guys this video is about solo ads 2021. do they still work yes they do but i found something that’s even better okay i spotted a secret method to get 87 k email readers to your schedule within a week okay and i will show you right now um how you can do this too all right and subsequentlies um you will see my full solo ads tutorial where i will tell you the five crucial steps that you need to follow in order to get successful with solo ads in 2021 because they still work yes they do but you have to get a few things right okay if you stick with me to the end of this video um i will even depict you how you can get 100 solo ad clicks for free if you’re interested in that okay but um yeah right now let’s dive into my mystery hack that i’m really excited about to be honest how you can get um 87 k email subscribers to your list not for free but almost for free okay now check this out these 84 000 readers that you see here on my listing i added them to my to my mail list it’s the self-hosted autoresponder within the last week paying around 60 horses for them in total and that was of course not with solo ads as you will pay one dollar to three dollar per email reader each um with solo ads that you can add to your register okay to be honest um these there is shared email leads and this will merely work for the make money online niche now this spoof and and i will have to warm them up before i can start promoting but i just wanted to share this real quick with you guys um because yeah it simply blew my judgment as i as i learned about this hacker i won’t dive penetrating into this because this video is about solo ads but if you are interested in this how this works you can just click the link the first association in the description down below and get my case study where i explain how this works in detail okay now let’s get back to the topic and dive title into my solo ads teaching now this video is going to be a little longer because you will get all my spoofs my gratuities all that i’ve learned from acquiring solo ads for the past two years and um even selling solo ads myself so um these um 5 point here i am going to talk about okay first of all um i will go over how to optimize your arrive sheet for the highest opt-ins and also how to optimize it for mobile okay if you won’t do this it’s like throwing coin out of the window because most of the email traffic is portable nowadays okay next next part um will be how to use a tracker so you will be able um to to know how many of your visitors actually opted into your email register if you don’t do this you will never be able to tell if a dealer stipulates good traffic or not okay abusing a tracker with solo ads is certainly a must do and i will too depict you a tracker that nobody else is mentioning that is really a bargain and which is cheaper than all of the usual tracking applications okay the third point here um is likely to be two platforms where you can buy solo ads and these platforms will protect you from getting scammed okay and i will show you exactly how to buy solo ads there and things you need to pay attention to okay on crowd four here on our directory um i will show you how you can really tell if a marketer accommodates good transaction and this is actually something that is generally nobody else will learn you um though it’s really crucial in my opinion if you really want to want to get successful with solo ads okay and in the end um i got a little nice surprise for you because i will show you how you can get 100 solo ad sounds for free so um yeah delight stick with me to the end of the training so you will know how you can get these 100 free free clicks okay all right now um first target is let’s take a look on how you should optimize your disembark page now truly important guys always use a platform sheet is where you captivate um the mailing address never never never ever send traffic solo ad traffic to a sales page instantly because it won’t work you will simply waste your money all right what i want to show you here is a very good highly optimized territory sheet that will work perfectly with solo ads okay it looks very very simple but these kind of squeeze sheets generally will work best with solo ads now you need to use single opt-in okay no double up then because you will merely lose like 70 of your readers use um single opt-in and just ask for the email address okay because for every additional information you will ask them for like identify telephone number whatever less beings will opt in you should use a few pipelines to slope your your make or your service at most but um you should not contribute long pieces of verse okay uh the best converting opt-in sheets do not contain more than 100 statements okay triple key your sheet should fit in one desktop screen like you see here or in two portable screens okay now speaking of mobile it’s very awfully very important that your ground page tasks is a good one on portable since nowadays a large portion of email traffic is portable okay so if your land page is not mobile optimized you will again lose customers and you don’t want to do that okay so what you can do if you have a landing page and you want to see how it searches on portable you can on your desktop you can just right click with your mouse and then go here to um inspect didn’t work let’s make love again go to inspect and then you come to a page like this and if you go on over here you can simulate the notion with a mobile phone okay now as “youre seeing” my ground page here is optimized for mobile um i will show you a couple of couple of precedents that are not optimized for portable but it’s really an important point and each territory page make is a little different but all of them will have the the possibility to show you the the sentiment for mobile and to to optimize your land page for portable more okay because when we head over to um how to actually or where to actually buy solo ads you will see that you will have questions to find marketers um that will merely send you desktop traffic okay so um yeah only make sure that your land sheet is also optimized for portable now i wanted to show you a few examples of not so so great landing sheets um first of all this year now this this one is not so great for a couple of reasons first of all um they are asking for the given name and the last name and this is proven to decrease the number of opt-ins then second it the whole page now looks very highly very busy and um this is all also proven to to decrease um the number of opt-ins and if we look at this one how it inspects in mobile you’ll see it will look like this on mobile and for a portable consumer it will be impossible to to sign up so this guy now will lose opt-ins so this is very very bad okay okay now here’s another example um this is not not my platform sheet by the way um this gazes okay at desktop all right but if we look at this on mobile we see that something went wrong here okay he he has no mobile um nobel portable examine at all i don’t know where it even is okay um what is necessary do is test it out like this here and um also research it actually on your mobile phone okay how your landing page examines so um what you can else do to um to increase opt-ins is um add paroles like free or mystery occasion or something like this to your land sheet and you can you can include a outlet message pop-up okay this usually um increases the number of opt-ins for a couple of percent places all right um that’s it with regards to optimizing your ground page and now we will head over to the next extent on our schedule now let me talk a little about exploiting a tracking software to track your opt-ins now a tracker allows you to monitor how many of the require clinks opted into your register and it’s crucial for you to use this because otherwise you will you will not is well positioned to compare the effectiveness of different solo adventures or the effectiveness of different landing sheets because that what it’s all about okay testing what works and what doesn’t you will not be able to track auctions if it’s not your own product but to oversee the opted tells you a lot about whether you should use a particular vendor again or not so how does moving progressing well basically you have to insert a little piece of code into your so-called success page that is the page that a subscriber assures after he opts in okay “i know i m” applying two different tracking softwares and i will show you how to do this with both of them the first one is clicker and it essentially has the same serves like clink trickery is exclusively a little cheaper and the second is hits connect and the cool thing about pops connect is that numerous purveyors do not know about it but it expenses exclusively 10 bucks per month regardless of how many clinks you will track and um this is really unlike clicker or clink sorcery that will that will need you to upgrade to more expensive contrives as you move more clinks so uh yeah reaches connect is uh certainly a bargain and i will show you how to to track your opt-ins with both of these applications right now now now we are in my clicker dashboard um i left the link to clicker down below if you if you click that link and sign up you can you can sign up for free and have a free test okay um now i will show you how to accurately um track opt-ins first of all you will have to make a tracking link for a specific um solo ads vendor okay “theres going” here to add link then you say solo ad vendor 2 whatever okay and then you put your property sheet url in here in my suit that would be um this url here okay i would emulate it and glue it um into my clicker right here okay so that was the first part what we then save changes what we then have to do is go into track link conversion i reached that and then it will show um these pixels okay what i do i pick the action tech tracking pixel i facsimile that and what we then have to do is insert this pixel to the so-called success page and that is the page that a reader will be redirected to after he opts in frequently this is a page where you thank your subscriber for agreeing and then um opening him the possibility to click click further on to some kind of offer okay now let me swiftly demonstrate you how that will look land sheet developer okay let’s just say this would be the the bridge page that would follow the disembark page that i’ve i’ve indicated you okay um customer opts in and then gets redirected to this page now uh congratulations please check your email after sounding the links below um whatever okay now what you need to do is insert the tracking pixel from clicker inside the body of this page um i use insta builder to build my my disembark pages okay and um it will be slightly different for for each property page developer software um but here in sebilla i would go over here to this button um the aims button and then go to scripts and then i would insert um the the tracking pixel inside the body section now okay um you know i emulated it a few seconds ago and then i can paste it in now reached save and then i would be done okay and i’m heading over to clicker here now what i would give the solo ads merchant is the tracking link okay i would go to copy tracking associate and give this link to my solo undertaking and then he will refer his traffic to my tracking connection and i will be able to see how many clicks i receive okay this here is unique clinks and if i buy 100 clinks the work requires 100 unique clinks here okay and because i um implanted on the tracking pixel in my i will be able to see how many people of the 100 clinks will have agreed okay um i will see the the the reader right here and i will see the number of subscribers now here’s a little um hack i want to share with you guys who would want to direct opt-ins or customers directly to an proposal you couldn’t way your opt-ins right but what you can do is build a bridge page which has the tracking pixel in it but will redirect the visitor automatically to an affiliate render okay i will um register you what i’m talking about here um no sorry this is what i want to show you okay because i’ve done it before this is a bridge page um and now it’s redirecting automatically to a varia plus render okay and what this allows me to do is track my opt-ins with a with a pixel on the on the connect page but then directing the the customer to the to the offer automatically so because i crave as numerous eyeballs as possible to see this offer okay now let’s instantly um go into the page and search how i did the aqueduct sheet is on my own my own arena i constructed it with the instability plugin okay um now this is all stuff um that that’s in here so it’s pretty easy to to build a page like this um but the the redirect is the interesting part okay um if we go here on the icon writes and what you see here is is a write that redirects the subscriber to a various offer now if you want to do something like this i will leave this wrote now this redirect script in the description below so you can just use it for your own um just paste it in the body of your connect page okay um here where the amount says three that is the number of seconds um that it will wait before it redirects um the visitor and here you’ll you’ll investigate um the link where it redirects to okay so you would want to paste in an affiliate present of yours affiliate tie of yours in here placed this into the body section of your connect sheet and then you’re good to go okay now what you you could even do is leave this page blank time just make it a lily-white page list um make this digit here to two seconds okay and then um glue in your tracking pixel in now um and this will this will do the job okay it will allow you to track your opt-ins and then redirect the visitor to your affiliate connection automatically and all they’re going to see is a blank sheet for one second okay all right all right now let’s head over to the second tracking software that i want to show you it’s called reaches connect and mostly it use um just like clicker or click magical but it’s real truly a buy because it expenditures 10 bucks per month regardless of how many um how many clicks you will track so if you plan to to move a lot of clinks i would recommend you to use hitconnect um they too have a free detail um that you can sign up for but you will need to upgrade to the paid account to the 10 per month history in order to better to to be able to track transitions to move your opt-ins um and um yeah otherwise that this tracker um won’t make sense now i will leave a link down below in the description if you sign up through this link with hitconnect you will get your first month um for free okay so uh feel free to check this out now let me soon prove you how you um can set up your tracking with reaches connect okay if you um have a new uh brand-new solo ad ordering brand-new solo adventure you go to brand-new safarus now then you paste your arrive page url in now okay that’s the bring sheet we applied before in the specific characteristics you situated the so solo ad vendor three um succession one whatever okay and then reached save expedition what they do is they check the page for um different metrics yeah tempo pass check page pass check then you go to confirm my area and then what you then need to do is um to to simulate that tracking here okay they only have one tracking pixel copy that one now and then put it into your success page or your aqueduct sheet in the body section like i established you before okay and this one is your tracking link and this is the link would give to your solo ad dealer all right and in the end you would be able to see um how many of the the clicks that you um converted into email readers all right now um guiding principle time a slightly different look all right then um now we’re going to talk about where to buy your solo ads okay um well to say the most important thing never ever try to buy cheap solos from websites in google or from facebook radicals because i know that there’s many many scammers out there and they will send you fake traffic uh or bot transaction or even sign up into your your register themselves with um with various vps virtual private servers and so on and you will have no possibility to to even notice it okay um there’s numerous parties out there that can send bots and these bots will opt in your ground pages and they are able to even open up your emails and um of course these bogu email addresses will never ever to be translated into sales and you precisely burn your hard-earned money now i will uh i want to show you two examples because i um i did that mistake too when i started out with solo ads i just went to google and search for solo ads or cheap solo ads or whatever and i landed on a page like this solo at queen and i was like wow what a delightful bargain here uh 2 500 solo ad sounds for 119 okay and i bought a box now then guess what i received the clicks i received the clinks but “ive received” no single opt-in so this is fake traffic and this merchant didn’t even bother to counterfeit any opt-ins okay he didn’t even inconvenience but i had no possibility of going my fund back um so i just burnt my fund now if you experience a pricing like this okay then you you can be sure this is forgery you will not find a pricing like this um for real solo ad sounds okay for a high quality solo ad that will get you decisions you will have to pay at least 40 cents per clink at least okay sometimes even 60 70 80 pennies up to a dollar per sound but don’t go for for inexpensive um clicks like this because these are not real now there’s two solo ad pulpits out there and that will protect you from those scammers because they have particular filters in place that would detect any phony freight um that is why i would most recommend you to use these two scaffolds now the first one is udemy and i will show you around in a second there and i’ll also give you a directory of marketers on udemy that i made good know-hows with in the past somewhere down below is a link in the specific characteristics a space you can find my my favorite marketers on udemy if “youre using” that link to sign up you will also get i believe it’s five dollars approval for your first solo ad if you want to and um the second platform that i want to show you is traffic for me and there’s also a link to to that programme down below in the specific characteristics and i believe if you use this one to sign up you will get a 10 approval if you want to buy a solo right there um now let me promptly indicate you traffic for me now this is the front pre page from traffic for me where you can create your free detail um working the link below you will get a ten dollar credit and um you can just go over here your own on your own pace but um they have particular filters to avoid fake traffic okay now you can read it over here that they have clean traffic i have a couple of commendations now let’s speedily look inside the dashboard here because um buying a solo ad in here is pretty pretty straightforward unlike udemy that we will look into right after this you won’t be able to um to pick a certain vendor now you time pick your your niche okay and then you pick a traffic pack they always have very interesting alternatives now the sale here i i will try this one out the sale of mobile commerce via smx sms tax i just curious i just am curious how this will work so i’m gonna try this out definitely so um if you if you carry your if you have selected your parcel um you simply pick how much clicks you require and then you go to the next step where you are going to pay and then you will give them your tracking connection that you created in clicker or okay now um if you give this a try traffic for me you should definitely check out the video here this is about best territory pages and um this is very exceedingly insightful and i learned a lot from the videos inside here okay so um yeah really check it out if you like and now we will head over to udemy and um i will clarify you how you can buy solo it’s there and what you need to pay attention to now i’m right here in my udemy note and um if you do not already have udemy account you can use link down below in the description um to create a free note and if “youre using” that join you will get a five dollars credit if you decide to to buy a solo ad okay if you already have udemy accounting you can use this link to see my favorite vendors okay now um now in udemy you will see um the differences between solo ad vendors that sell their the solo ads there if you want to make a bargain you can go over to solo slews and you will see um specific presents um the hell is occasion sensitive okay and you can you can look if you find something interesting there but um i would recommend you to go to find sellers because um only there you will see these metrics now okay what’s really important is this one here okay this is the percentage of people who reported a sale um after they use the this marketer this particular vendor okay and if you if you scroll down you see that these amounts are um very different okay this guy here has nine percentage um auctions auctions frequency which is pretty bad okay i would not i would not use them um 37 that inspects good okay this is um something i would aim for okay of course the rate now uh 75 pennies is not cheap but if you do get direct sales i think it’s worth it all right um these are the for me the most important metrics um expenditure and percentage of people who reported direct sales which necessitates um these are the sales that happened directly and not in the course of your follow up series okay um now let’s just look into this guy here what you can do in udemy is you can for example click only mobile and you will get only mobile email traffic um udemy has also a no mobile filter but what you will see is i tried this um a couple of times you will see is if you uh try to to buy the solo ad then the merchant will contact you and say hey i’m sorry i do not um i do not offer uh desktop merely sounds okay so this is why i told you in the first place that you should optimize your ground page for portable and what you can see here he seems to to offer it yeah but um you also see that he charges 50 pennies more per visitor um if it’s desktop transaction okay and this is really really expensive you don’t want to do this uh what you can do is only top tier okay and then you will um receive 100 visitors from the us uk canada australia brand-new zealand um these are the main english english-speaking countries if you don’t tick this here you will um you will need to read the text uh 1 percent crown rank traffic okay okay he says he delivers 90 top rank transaction okay and then if you don’t check this one you will get 90 of these english speaking countries if you click it you are able to um you will pay 20 20 cents more per visitor but you will get 100 of these of these countries if you ask me i would not make this because 90 top tier freight is perfectly fine and the other 10 percent they are able to purchasers on there as well so i wouldn’t i wouldn’t go for this here prime filter is an additional filter that filters out um bad commerce you can test this out but “ive never” use it as i said udemy has filters to protect you from from bot congestion and forgery traffic so um yeah what you can do is select the number of visitors that you wanna wanna buy and then you will see the cost now what you then can do is you can choose link simply or contribute text and when you choose link only what you put in here is your tracking link okay the link that we um that we saw with clicker or hits connect um you applied it in there and you go to add to cart in this case um the solo ad vendor will write the solo ad verse so the email text that he will send to his inventory himself okay and um he were typically use certain kinds of generic swipe um so you can add your own your own email text here if you like um frequently you can’t tell what works better unless you really test this out okay so if you pick your metrics now you can you can you go to add to cart um you offer and then the solar dealer has i think three days time to accept your your ordering or not accept your seek and then again if he professes your prescribe yes two or three days to fulfill the order this is how basically how udemy works um all right then yeah you will find the list of my favorite sellers on udemy um down below in the specific characteristics and now we will head over to the fourth detail on our listing how to tell if a dealer furnishes good congestion now as i mentioned before if you are promoting affiliate offers you will not be able to track marketings but what you can do and what you must do is track opt-ins first of all if you have your landing page optimized like i showed you before a good marketer should mail traffic that at least pictures 30 percentage opt-in rate okay at least 30 percent if the opt-in is is below 30 um you can be sure that the traffic he moves is not good quality or that he squanders rotators or exit popups or other kind of dirty stuff so if you have a really optimized acre sheet and your opt-in is lower than 30 you should definitely test out other merchants okay but i have worked with solar vendors that were able to to provide me with an opt-in of 50 or even 60 all right now this is the first point and the second largest for me likewise terribly very important way to monitor the traffic quality is to keep an eye on the open paces of your newly increased readers okay the open charges of the emails because even though they are the opt in from a certain vendor is good if the subscribers are not responsive and don’t open up your emails it won’t help you or result in sales okay so you can ask why are email subscribers from one vendor more responsive and from other marketers not accept now the reason is because there are a lot of solo ad marketers who is buy from other solo marketers and that results in email readers that are getting more and more and more emails because they’re getting on more and more listings very quickly and then they get attacked with thousands of emails and then eventually your emails will get lost in thousands of emails in their inboxes okay and this is why they have bad response frequencies okay monitoring the open paces will give you a chance of finding good vendors which have clean and fresh generators like google bing or facebook ads okay to get new subscribers to their own list this is a highly very um important point all right i know that that many other solo ads lessons will tell you to ask merchants to ask dealers themselves how they improve their schedules before you test them out but to be honest you can really skip this because you will not get an honest answer vendors who buy from other merchants will never reveal it okay so you are able to always get the answer that everyone wants to hear so let me show you now how i check my open rates i will show you this and get response because i use get response now i am here in my do response and here’s what i do to monitor the open paces i create a new register for every vendor and then i pass in my autoresponder successions and then after i receive the subscribers and they receive the emails i will be able to see precisely the numbers how accept the subscribers are let’s thought over to indices here now this year and this year this is two solo undertakings i have abused and if i go to show autoresponders i will be able to see exactly the open rates here okay now in the make money online industry the average open rate of your emails should be somewhere between between 20 and 25 okay if the open charge of your welcome email is below 20 i would go for a different merchant for sure okay here it was 20 something it’s not enormous but it was acceptable now let me show you um another example from another dealer this here let’s go to show autoresponders and now you ascertain open force 12 percent now that’s really crappy email readers okay regardless how good the the opt-in was um these are not particularly responsive customers and yeah “ive never” expended this marketer again again okay and i think monitoring the open charges crucial if you want to have success with solo ads now for the last point on our inventory i promise to show you how you can get 100 free solo ad clinks and now let’s thought over to this okay now down below in the description there is a link to a private facebook group okay if you sounds the link you come to this page here and you can join the facebook radical free of charge and inside the facebook group you’ll receive lots of training um list building training and you will receive 100 free solo ad clinks okay all you need to do is join the group now and it will take maybe a couple of hours to to approve you okay and once you’re inside the group all you need to do is find this affix here this is a pin post that says new to the group wondering what it’s all about and so on you just watch the video and then you join this free platform now and um from there they will they will take you from there and support you how you can get your 100 free clicks um and yeah i’m pretty sure that you will too benefits from the added practise the added roll structure training in there really great all right guys um that’s it for this video i hope you you got some valuable report out of it um please excuse me that it’s got so long okay i had really a lot to say and um if you liked it please give this video a like and subscribe to my canal if you have any questions regarding this training delight merely pole your questions in the comments down below and i will answer them as soon as i can okay i i hope you have a great day and yeah i hope to see you in the next one bye bye

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