January 18


How to Promote Affiliate Links for Free & EARN $600 Daily With This Affiliate Marketing Tutorial


January 18, 2022


in this video today I am going to school you how to affix affiliate connects and stir hundreds of dollars just like I do every day absolutely free and the best part of this strategy is that you do not have to have a website to get started with this method and you do not have to create any videos or show your face on camera or do anything like that and like I mentioned it is absolutely free and worldwide anyone can do it what I am going to give you on this video I am going to show you exactly where to go i will show you how to set it up then i will give you all the free tools you need to make it is easy and simple for you so you can earn this money completely free to post these ties and i will show you where to go extend get these ties-in, if you want to make money with connection sends for marketing bureaux absolutely free keep looking hey everyone it’s alan here again from the smart money tactics direct where i post reliable material every day to help you make money give online if it’s the first time you come to my canal go in the bottom punched that agrees turn on all notifications since each time I announce a word you get a brand new video and make sure you stay on top from this video because I’m going to have another offering for you so remain carolled to find out exactly how much it is and what you need to do to go into it now if you want to know what I do to make money online look at the first join in my description this is something i have been doing for a very long time to make a lot of good coin online, so today people i want to show you how to make money online affiliate attaches absolutely free and without a website but first i want to show you something i want to use a implement called google tends now it’s a tool that shows you what parties are currently searching for and what percentage is it possible to trend out there on google hunting okay so if you come here I want you to think about what happens at the moment that people arelooking for ways to make money online to work from home but how are they going to do it well this is where a site like google tendencies can tell you some popular topics or something that has many more wanted so you do not have to waste time for example let’s say if you came here and you typed something like earn money with instagram for example and once you do that what is going to happen is that it is going to show you exactly how many probes it is touching and how active it is now if you look at this partner here digit 100 here is most active and as you can see it is something that is very active the time that wants people want to make money social media all the time or it is youtube instagram titter there are so many different pulpits brand click and i want to show you how you can help these beings earn money online if you use your own post affiliate relations and the website we are going to be using today is called this one now medi um.com for those of you who do not know what is not medium it is a platform where you can post different sections absolutely free and because medium is such a great site a lot of people countless affiliate purveyors make a lot of money with this website since they are their rankings can grade clauses on this and promote their connections I will show you in a second and I will show you where you can get different ideas on how to rank your medium post and affiliate marketers have done it longer and longer to make a lot of coin online give and the best part is that it is absolute Let me now establish free of charge if we come to a site label similar network and we type medium.com here in you are going to see exactly how much traffic it gets website but the best thing about this website is because it is so potent because there is so much authority when you do the title experiment on keywords and you sit a lot of content has very good chance of going someone’s traffic and look at this it gets 193 million views every month and look at that e congestion you have in the United Position of America United Kingdom Brazil Canada the traffic is so a splendid okay and if you are back to medium here I want to show you that you can post ties-in on it if you come to their medium rules and if you scroll down here, I simply want to show you that with this site you can include a whole knot of relations here in order I would recommend that you maybe do one or two relations, I would not go too far but if you come here, it basically says you need to make affiliate relates public or pay for a affix affiliate connections like links to Amazon with your code or any other link from where you will receive a commission or price is allowed in the pole you can do that, but when you was put forward your pole everything you need to do is just put in there that there is an affiliate link just below that say it is an affiliate link and you may do it now i want to show you exactly where you are going a get offer so you can earn money online implementation k medium and more importantly to post it affiliate tie-ups so if you go to chaps google and you type in something like work from home for example what is going to happen, you are going to find a whole lot of inquiries here and there you scroll down as you go through, do you know a few sheets or sometimes even on the first page what you are going to do is to go ascertain it there are a ton of medium announces here from people who have already done a lot of this similar content and they make money online with this strategy and i witnessed some of them these uprights some of them are on page one some of them are on page two sheet three merely depends on what you are looking for here now if you come here I was looking for how to make money on facebook and i knew this medium article here so if we click on this medium article i want to show you exactly what it looks like and if you look at this it is exactly what these people are doing well so this is the entitlement of him is how to make money on facebook as sk epper and if you browse here you can post paintings guys and if you browse you can simply look at all the different clauses that beings originate now a lot of the time you will find a whole knot of tie-ups on here too like I said you can post connections here and people will promote different makes that parties use medium for discuss they go to clickbank they take commodities they do assess they go to sites like Warrior Plus and they are reviewing products here on guys and they make really good money online hitherto a exploration term you can go here guys i exited now and i just examined how to make money on youtube and now you go here is a medium message if we click on it and come here chaps you are going to see another one medium post that beings furnish now to make money with different money online types of concoctions they could possibly be promoting if you scroll down here, you can check out another immense clause from someone who does it okay, but i want to show you how you can do this and more importantly exactly what you need to do where you are going to get a product and as “youre seeing” guys are promoting someone canva here and is not simply i want to show you where you can get a product, but i want to show you how you can potentially rank this article so from here what you want to do is come to a website like clickbank.com clickbank is a great platform where you can go and get a whole bunch of affiliate makes where you can promote them completely free without furnishing up or is everything like that and you get a really good assignment once you sign up with Clickbank guys what’s going to happen, it’s going to take you over to this page here it’s their mart and if you scroll down here and you click on e-business and e-marketing if you drop it you can see here that you have all these different subheadings now and if you scroll down, and if you search for social marketing more than here because as you met, beings are invariably looking for different ways to make money on y outube instagram chirp facebook etc and if you click on social sell and you come here you will be able to find all these different produces like here it pays to use Facebook Twitter and YouTube it is 24 so you may be number one review this produce or really talk about what it’s like to make money on it different places or why social media is potent you can go get inspiration from other material novelists out there and write same types of articles and if you come down here you too have another one here said how to make money on quaver the slothful road you can get paid 118 dollars if you want to review this product and anyone who is going to look for how to make money on social media how to make money on instagram etc can find it possible product, all you have to do is come here click on this advertisement button it is going to give you an affiliate attach and then you can gave the affiliate relate inside your medium affix how are you going to know what are the best different types of keywords to use well here is a website called ubersuggestie it is created by a person worded neil patel it is absolutely free guys you can sign in with your gmail note and once you logged in, go take it go to a sheet that looks like this and from here it is where you would enter a keyword or a domain name and then for example let’s say you wanted to type something like how to make money with instagram for example it is going to show you all explorations that are going to appear and it will tell you exactly how much magnitude these searches are getting so you can see how to make money with instagram get 22,000 pursuings every month it is a lot of examinations if you can get it your medium upright on the first page of google you could earn serious money online and now guys this ssd editorial over here is basically the seo rigor and the seo hurdle for a exploration call like this is not that difficult according to their ratings here and you can browse and mostly search for a whole bunch of other things you have got how to make money with instagram how to make money from instagram how to make money on instagram how to make money on instagram etc and if you scroll down now you is going to have many more of these different search terms and even if you had to rank for something that gets 2 400 search and if you are on the first sheet it is 2400 people who could potentially land on your medium row, so what you need to do is that you have to go to medium now simply come here where you have your little mark now as soon as you sign up and then all you have to do is come over here and click on the brand-new narrative as soon as you click on brand-new narration it is basically drag-and-drop -throw guys all you have to do is travel now, enter your title, come here enter anything you want and then when you click this plus button now you will see that you can add photos that you can add videos that give you a whole lot of hope well can add guys and then from there simply just what you do is to t e category feed kind in enter guys it’s super simple and once “youve finished” you publish this locate ok and what happens then you have to give time to google to indicator it and then it goes to give you a great opportunity to online online affiliate to earn links without an internet site and completely free, so this was my video for today chaps and a great way to make it you can make money with affiliate market messages completely free if you enjoyedvideo smash the like button in gratitude, but more importantly, go to the bottom and leave me a comment a detailed comment let me know what you thought about this video and whether you go or not try this method the best comment I would like from guys is going to go straight to prevail a 25 PayPal gift on the next video so just go below explain and you will play draw to win that 25 PayPal gift and as ever I will have another video that will appear now above different ways you can make money on front until tomorrow I am alan out of clever money tricks you take care of yourselves and goodbye

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