January 1


How To Buy UDIMI Solo Ads – Top Vendors, Fast Targeted Traffic

By Randy Sult

January 1, 2022

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Hey this is a AR Rizvi and you are herebecause you want to learn how to buy UDIMI Solo ads okay. Now I’m not surewhether you know about solo ads or not so we’re gonna run through the basicsreal quick so that everyone watching this video understands exactly what I’mtalking about when it comes to solo ads right? Now if you have been in the onlinemarketing room for the last for at least five minutes or so you will haveheard of solo ads, parties mentioning solo ads on Facebook groups or you know youwould have heard of that solo ads one practice or another and you may or may notknow exactly what it is okay? So let’s let’s dive into what exactly is a soload right so I’ve checked out this other website and it gives you a briefdescription of exactly what a solo ad is A solo ad constitutes a form of circular, alist rental if you will that is sent out to an entire or segment of an emailsubscriber list. What you are basically doing is buying targeted traffic to yourwebsite or affiliate relations that you are looking to promote.So what’shappening is that you could have let’s say an offering that you have on a landingpage or a squeezing page or some sort of page that you’ve created privilege that isgetting your induces those tourists to your give for them to see right andwhat you’re doing is those pass those people that are coming to your websiteare actually from solo ad dealers right that are selling you those guides right? So that’s essentially what I solo at is now with UDIMI, UDIMI is a very popularplace to buy solo ads okay? It’s been around for quite a while and Ipersonally know a great deal of marketers that ought to have selling solo ads for quite anumber of years there and have done so successfully and there are obviouslythere are some dealers that come and exit the quality of sounds when I say thequality of sounds a better quality of the visitor right is obviously every vendorthat sells you those solo ads is giving you different kinds of traffic qualityright? So we’ll get into that in a moment but the first thing you need to know isif you are looking to get fast targeted traffic to your area literally within 24 hours sometimes 24 to 48 hours going to UDIMI and use buying a solo ad is onedefinite way to go okay? So if you if you come to UDIMI.com, you come to their homepage right and on their homepage you can you knowread up all about you do me what they do how many purchasers they’ve you know youknow they’re saying they’ve got two million fortunate purchasers over two milliontestimonials or people who’ve bought via the pulpit okay you can save time you don’t you can instantly contact theseller our details ask questions etc etc.You get you can get a lot of informationabout the visitor the type of visitor coming to your site where they’re comingfrom what municipal what browsers they’re using are they mobile transaction are theyyou know desktop etc so there’s a lot of thingthat you can find out through UDIMI when you are buying a solo ad. Now whenyou open an accounting so what you would do is you would go to sign up okayand once you’ve signed off with the report you would come to theback-office right so this is your dashboard your for your own UDIMIaccount and you can look for traffic look to buy traffic based on yourcriteria right so what I want by that is you would click on find marketers okayright and here you let me exactly reset this to default everything to defaultand you are able to basically come to this page and when you click on find sellersright now here you’ve got certain filters right that are important rightto use okay they’re important to use right.So the first filter is how quicklydo you want the traffic to your render okay some some providers do it within 24 hours and you got 24, 48, 3 epoches 5 days etc etc right. So let’s say for example Iright so this is how I would filter out a good solo ad vendor right so you wantto be coming a good reputable solo ad marketer who is going to deliver you goodquality traffic. The mistake parties make right when purchasing traffic fromany solo ad or vendor right or any vendor any traffic generator is looking forcheap traffic right. NEVER acquire cheap transaction alwayspurchased traffic that is quality that is good quality traffic because they areleads that would actually be responsive to your volunteer they are not wasting yourtime and they’re not just click and then just you know not know you’re notbuying a non responsive directory a non responsive congestion right? You want to buyquality traffic because if you buy a inexpensive traffic in the long run you’rewasting a lot of time and of course a lot of money right so this is how Iwould buy a quality traffic from UDIMI.So you let’s say for example I amlooking for traffic within the next five days right and I am looking for just toget a good extent of visitors to my locate and a good quantity of if I was topurchase let’s say 50 guests right or let’s say 75 visitors I can do that butif I am measuring out my offer to begin withI need data right the more pilgrims I get to my area right first withinreason I can get some data as to see whether that offering is convertingor not right are you with me? So what I need to dois buy a decent extent of clinks pilgrims right to see my website right solet’s say for example I moved with 400 guests right to begin with and over aperiod of five days I can wait five days for those 400 visitors to come to mysite right? Now here I can filter out based on the price right so this is theminimum amount I’m willing to pay so for example if we left that at 0.35 cents andthis is the maximum amount that I’m willing to payclick 0.95 pennies let’s say for example I don’t want to pay 0.95 pennies I want to Ihave a budget of let’s say 0.75 cents per click okay right? So this is based on perclick okay the toll right? So here it says witness exclusively vendors who areonline now no that’s fine just leave it the style it is and now this is importantbecause what this pictures is the number of marketings that previous purchasers have got fromthe from a specific vendor that’s selling now so for example right nowit’s at 0% so I can get dealers who have sold solo ads before but none hasactually reported them having reported them saying that we’ve purchase thisparticular solo ad from this vendor and I rendered auctions so we want parties wewant solo ad merchants to those that have at least made some auctions so I wouldgo with about 40% I would go with about 40%. Now everyone’s got their owncriteria and some people will say go with 30 percent sales got some peoplesay go with them and in fact I would actually go with about 30% marketings andI’ll say and I’ll tell you why because when you purchase any solo ad customersdon’t you don’t get auctions immediately right it takes when they see your offerthey may they will more than likely opt-in to your register your email roll andthen you have to market to them and it’s you know mostly get them to buy yourspecific product that you’re promoting or selling claim which should help themyou know succeed in whatever they’re doing rightyou can’t certainly, you are able to never sell a make that you don’t believe init you are able to never promote a concoction that you don’t know amply about thereisn’t that method there’s a lot of things I can talk aboutwhen it comes to how to promote a make this is no longer the this is not thevideo for it but what I will say to you is at least 30% or more sales right persolo ad marketer okay and now you’ve got the number of ratings right so I wouldsay that at least at least you should be looking at at least twenty five-plusokay and now you’ve got a roll of business that your your your present isabout is is about so for example if your render fits into the marketing nicheright niche, then you would click on marketing if it’s finance related thenfinance if it’s health relevant state mobile and “youre seeing” like every time Iclick on this different keyword I get different vendors coming upokay? So for aims of this precedent for the purposes of this examplewe are going to go with solo ad merchants who provide us with sell, marketingleads okay? Now straight away you’ve got some dealers come on here and nowwhat you need to do is go through the vendors that you think you would thinkare worth trying out okay importance seeing.Now based on all these all thecriteria’s that I’ve given been going through all of these vendors pretty much all ofthese marketers are are pretty good are quite good in termsof they will send you quality traffic Now let’s have a look at Dana solo rightso Dana solo over seven years ordeal huge 60 cents per click per sound soit’s the price stray is right there over 30 about 38% auctions okay2 577 thumbs up and as to report to 13 negatives if we click on her profilewhat you will see now is an in-depth mostly they’re evidence you how manyshe’s how many soli ads she sold and here’s the important part right so youyou’re looking for 400 visitors right so you’re looking for 400 visitors and hereyou got these filters okay now this cornerstone filter is already it’s already coded inyou can’t reform that for your care this filter is this filter iscannot be turned off it saves your fund by ignore gob useless or duplicatetraffic which is fine we want that prime filter I don’t usually go for with whatthis prime filter does is use prime filter on this solo each click heywhat’s up guys sorry I got cut off there so continuing with the filters right sowe talked about the basi filter the prime filter is something that you woulduse only if you want to try and make sure that you get the best possibletraffic etc right now with this vendor Dana so know she has already providedyou with information on the type of quality traffic that she’s going rightso 100% top-tier countries US and Canada now when we talk about top-tiercountries we’re talking about the top five english-speaking countries UK USACanada New Zealand and Australia so this vendor has already told you he’s alreadytelling us that she is providing 100% top-tier countries US and Canada and shehas an email list total size of 55,000 which is a corroborated inventory by Oda meso udemy has verified this list and twenty-five twenty eight percentfiltered sounds so her clicks our quality sounds coming through right nowyou can apparently opt for only top-tier right so you can click on this filterand up for only top-tier if you think that there are there might be trafficcoming from other countries that you don’t want coming onto you see youroffer for any reason so you can’t click on this but in this case because she hasalready afforded you with the information there’s no need to click onthat and salary added is it you people want only mobile freight so you can click on thisfilter here if you’re looking for only portable transaction that would expenditure anotherten cents extra per tourist no but no mobile freight again if you only wantdesktop traffic then you are able to click on this filter here this fragment here is quiteimportant because you there’s two ways to look atthis right if you are to provide your ad photocopy right it’s you so your ad copy iswhat mostly that merchants schedule will see when they are just before they clickon your give right so provisioning your own ad copy isgood to do because you know about your product and your present better than yourvendor right so you should know about your product orfor much better so by providing your own ad copy write your content in the adcopy would pair that product or volunteer that you’re promoting so any person anyvisitor on that marketers list who is considering your who’s basically readingyour ad reproduce and clicks on to your onto your land sheet right there’s amessage to market congruence right make sense of course you don’t have to dothat you don’t have to provide your own ad text you can ask the the vendor soload vendor on udemy to do that for you though we have to do it there’s noproblem but generally it’s a good practise to be able to write your own adcopy so that like I said before you know the product better than anybody else andthen mostly that is pretty much it before you would so here you’ve got alot of refreshes now of of solo ad buyers so for example this person hereOrlando Garcia very satisfied she over delivered and I got one sale so for agreat responsibility where reference is says over delivered that basically means that if she wassaying if we’re going to buy 400 clinks Dana solo may hand us 430 sounds or 40 sounds all right so that’s what over delivery is claim a great deal of these solo advendors do that because they crave you to be happy fulfilled and they require you tobe repeat buyers right so again a lot of a great deal of evaluates a good deal of testimonialshere a lot of people have given commendations for dana solo and you canread that and “re going through” the directory of there’s a lot claim so what that showsis this this solo ad vendor dana solo is definitely somebody who is experiencedselling so on udemy has been selling solo ads forquite a while because you wouldn’t break up you wouldn’t have over 2500 thumbs upif you were fairly brand-new claim it’s got the all the buttons etc what I convey I’mnot I’m not I’m just giving you this as an example I’m not saying that you yougo and purchase from Dennis Ono or anybody that I mentioned I’m just givingyou an example of how to sift out the right type of solo ad vendor a qualitytype of solo ad vendor on udemy right so the purpose of this video was how to buyudemy solo ads and you precisely need to go through the information you need to makesure you use the filters you need to make sure you can contact the solo advendors beforehand right so you can send them senses so you can click onmessages and here I was chit-chat to one solo ad dealer earlier you can sendmessages to different solo ad providers and they will they will message you backand you you know you can ask various questions what what what various kinds of trafficwould I be going is your traffic has your traffic seen this offer before willI you know there’s numerous many questions that you can ask them any questions thatyou can ask you can show them your ad imitate beforehand get the questions out ofthe way first right before acquiring so that you you are well aware don’t send an orderthrough without you know getting your questions substantiated but you do me in myopinion is the easiest and quickest sit to get traffic get eyeballs to seeyour offer to see your website whatever it is that you’re looking to promote youcan get fast traffic within 24 hours or less literally withbeing said people I hope you concluded this video handy if you did do gives people alike thumbs up and do subscribe to my path if you find any content of mineuseful do share my video if you witnessed it useful again and I have left a couple oflinks in the video description one of connections is for you to open youraccount with udemy and try using a solo ad marketer if you want to go that and go anddo that and another link is something called the full percentage challenge thechallenge I if you were an entrepreneur an online financier if you aremarketing in auctions commerce Direct Selling network marketing whatever youwere doing online even offline if you’ve got a cop online sorry you’ve gotecommerce storages if you’re financier online or offline I most recommend youcheck out the challenge that’s the link below UDIMI.With that tell me anything people Ihope to speak to you soon and take care have a great weekend talk to you sooncheers bye.

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Randy Sult

About the author

My name is Randy Sult. I'm a successful affiliate marketer and list builder. On this blog I talk about everything related to solo ads email traffic and list building. For some of the best business opportunity seeker email traffic just click the home tab above and choose your traffic package.

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